MPCT has been inspected by Ofsted and was awarded Outstanding in all areas. This includes the outcomes for learners, learning and assessment, leadership and management and quality of teaching. Here’s what they said :
“Leaders and staff display the highest expectations of learners, many of whom have poor levels of previous achievement, and this inspires them to re-engage successfully in learning.”
Ofsted 2014
“Learners quickly develop outstanding work-related skills and significantly improve their levels of physical fitness.”
Ofsted 2014
“The large majority of learners are successful in their applications to join the armed forces, finding work with local employers, or continuing learning on further education and training courses.”
Ofsted 2014
“Managers have ensured that learners make excellent progress and benefit from consistently high standards of instruction and support at every one of the geographically dispersed college centres.”
Ofsted 2014
“Learners enjoy their studies and benefit from instructors who use their up-to-date military experience and excellent teaching skills to inspire them to succeed and produce very high quality work.”
Ofsted 2014
“Instructors ensure that learners develop an outstanding awareness of the importance of equality of opportunity and valuing diversity in everyday life and, at work, to improve individual and team performance.”
Ofsted 2014